
A Dozen of Blue Ecuadorian Roses

A pop of color for any occasion! This stunning A Dozen Of Blue Ecuadorian Roses bouquet brings a soothing embrace with soft pastel petals in elegant lavender hues. This thoughtful gift for any special day bursts with 12 fresh-cut stems and delicate beauty, expertly arranged by master florists with lush greenery fillers. Surprise loved ones and make their day bloom with these gentle blue roses!

  • 12 fresh-cut stems with soft pastel blue rose blooms
  • Expertly arranged by master florists
  • Lush greenery fillers add fullness and vibrancy
  • Soothing lavender hues perfect for any occasion
  • Thoughtful gift to brighten someone's day

Send a sweet embrace or cheerful surprise with our lovely lavender roses. Visually striking, these roses are beautifully arranged with 12 soft-hued blooms and lush fillers. Give the gift of calm and delight them on their special day!

Make someone's day bloom with a dozen of blue Ecuadorian roses! This visually striking bouquet provides a soothing embrace with its soft pastel petals and elegant lavender hues. Expertly arranged by our master florists, 12 fresh-cut stems burst with delicate beauty alongside lush greenery fillers. Surprise a loved one with this thoughtful gift, perfect for birthdays, anniversaries, or any occasion spreading cheer. Give the gift of calm with these gentle blue roses.

Send someone a sweet embrace with our lovely lavender roses. Beautifully arranged by our skilled florists with lush greenery fillers, 12 soft-hued blooms are delivered right to the door to delight them for a special celebration or an out-of-the blue surprise.

12 Pcs of Ecuadorian Roses.

Note: Valid for Metro Manila Addresses only, if ordered and with provincial delivery address, it will be back to default bouquet designs(ROSES TFX 001)


Available: In Stock