
Issey Flower Bouquet


Bring a smile to her face and make her feel extra special with the Issey Flower Bouquet. This stunning arrangement features a vibrant mix of roses, lilies, and tulips artfully arranged in a stylish glass vase.

  • Beautiful mix of roses, lilies, and tulips in vibrant colors
  • Artfully arranged by floral designers
  • Presented in a chic glass vase

With its eye-catching colors and variety of blooms, this bouquet is sure to brighten her day. The roses add a romantic touch while the lilies and tulips provide a modern, sophisticated look. Each flower is specially selected and arranged by our talented floral designers to create a bouquet as unique as she is.

Give the gift of happiness and make her feel loved with the one-of-a-kind Issey Flower Bouquet. Surprise your girlfriend, wife, mother, or any special woman in your life with this thoughtful gift. The beautiful arrangement in a reusable vase will remind her of your affection every time she looks at it.

Giving her a remarkable combination of flowers, you delight her and make her feel special and unique – which is hopefully, what you wanted.

Note : Substitutions may be necessary to create your bouquet due to the availability of certain flowers or materials to ensure timely delivery. If substitution is required, care is taken to maintain the style and theme of the arrangement using flowers and materials of equal or greater value.


Available: In Stock