
Roses TFX 015

Spread the love with this romantic bouquet of roses and carnations. This overflowing collection of red beauty will truly make her heart melt. The elegant roses symbolize your deep passion and devotion, while the carnations represent your fondness and admiration. Show her just how much you care by sending this striking assortment of classic flowers straight to her door. Watch her face light up in delight when she sees this vibrant vision of affection.

  • Luxurious red roses convey passion and romance
  • Cheerful carnations express your fondness and care
  • Beautiful mix of flowers in eye-catching red hues
  • Thoughtful way to brighten her day and make her smile

Roses have long been the quintessential way to express romantic love. This brilliant bouquet takes the tradition to new heights. The deep red petals will reassure her of your unwavering affection. Surprise your special someone with this gift from the heart to fill her day with joy.

Bouquet of roses & carnation with other fillers for your over-flowing love and care that is full of emotions. Make her feel more special by sending her a bouquet of flowers. Statice symbolizes both fond memories and sympathy and can be used either in memorial wreaths and bouquets or in floral arrangements at reunions or meetings of old friends. They also symbolize success making them suitable for a wide variety of celebrations, too.  rose is symbolic of love, romance and passion. Sending a bouquet of  roses is considered the ultimate way to say, “I love you.”

Note: Valid for Metro Manila Addresses only, if ordered and with provincial delivery address, it will be back to default bouquet designs(ROSES TFX 001)


Available: In Stock