
TFX 0605 D10


Stargazer with yellow Roses and Yellow Gerbera

Brighten someone's day with the vibrant TFX 0605 D10 Stargazer bouquet. This stunning arrangement features sunshiny yellow roses and cheerful yellow gerbera daisies in a classic bouquet that conveys happiness and appreciation.

  • Vibrant yellow roses and gerbera daisies provide a burst of sunshine
  • Timeless bouquet conveys platonic appreciation and cheer
  • Large, eye-catching blooms are impossible to ignore

Give the gift of joy with this lively bouquet. The bright blooms are sure to put a smile on their face. With their sunny hues and uplifting spirit, these flowers are the perfect way to brighten someone's day and show them you care.

This cheerful bouquet is ideal for celebrating friends, family, co-workers, and anyone who deserves to feel special. The vibrant blooms send a message of happiness that will add a pop of color to their day.

Design not applicable for provincial addresses, if orderedand given a provincial address, we will have it designed that may fit the the box.


Available: In Stock